Protecting your tractor from damage will help you extend the life of your machine, save money on repairs, and reduce lost productivity due to the tractor sitting in a repair shop. Some wear and tear is inevitable, but many factors can lead to damage, such as a lack of maintenance or poor work practices. We’ve gathered up our favorite tips for tractor damage prevention below. Read on to learn more!

1. Regular Cleaning

A dirty tractor may sound like simply an aesthetic issue. However, the accumulation of dirt and debris can cause problems over time. These include:

  • Damage to the exterior and speeding up of corrosion
  • The build-up of dirt and debris around moving parts, which restrict their movement
  • An increase in the chances of overheating
  • Clogging of filters and hoses
  • Problems with the electrical components

These are just a few of the ways that a lack of cleaning can result in damage to your tractor. Thankfully, prevention is simple. Just clean your machine on a regular basis!

2. Keep Up with Maintenance

Another common cause of tractor damage is a lack of maintenance. The longer you let preventative maintenance tasks slide, the greater chance you have of facing equipment damage. Consult your owner’s manual to see the upkeep tasks, the frequency of these tasks, and any products you should or should not use.

3. Be Proactive About Lubrication

Lubrication is a great resource in preventing tractor damage. It can help reduce wear and tear, which helps extend the lifespan of your machine and keep it running smoothly. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s recommendations on which lubricant to use since picking the wrong one can actually cause damage.

4. Check the Attachments

One perk of tractors is that they can be used with a variety of attachments. However, it’s essential to ensure that any attachments used are compatible with your tractor and are in good condition. Otherwise, they can cause damage to your equipment.

5. Address Any Issues As Soon As Possible

Even the highest quality tractor will suffer some natural wear and tear. Once you start noticing an issue, get it repaired or schedule a service appointment as soon as possible. Minor damage can quickly snowball into a bigger problem, which will also cost you more to fix.

We hope you found this guide helpful. If you have any questions or want to get your tractor serviced, visit Central Arkansas Mahindra in Little Rock, AR. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Sherwood, Conway, and Hot Springs.