Getting a UTV can be a valuable addition to your set of work tools, or even just a fun way to hit the trails and travel around your property. But not all UTVs are built the same because not all UTV owners want the same things from their machines. That’s why Central Arkansas Mahindra offers a wide selection of Mahindra utility vehicles. To help you figure out what you should be looking for, check out our guide below before stopping in to our dealership in Little Rock, Arkansas, serving Sherwood.

The Purpose of Your UTV

You’ll discover that most Mahindra UTVs are specifically designed for utility work. The company has always been dedicated to making your workload easier. Exactly how much bang you want for your buck might affect your final decision. You might be interested in the Retriever series, which will give you all the standard features you need to simplify some of your toughest projects. It’s the perfect sturdy workhorse for those who need a reliable, day-to-day tool for a bigger property. They can also be a versatile option for those who want to spend some time riding recreationally as well.

There’s also the Mahindra mPACT XTV series, which is built for the particularly harrowing jobs. You’ll be able to haul more, tow more, and go more, with a 1,200 lbs hauling capacity and 2,100 lbs towing capacity. Plus, 4WD, higher ground clearance, and a more durable frame make this UTV suited for the particularly rough and tough riding, whether that’s at work or out on the trails (or even hunting!). 

Your Budget

Of course, your budget will play a pretty big role in what you can choose. As much as we’d like to tell you to buy the best of the best, some of the premier models might be a bit pricey. They may also come with features you don’t need, and so the extra spending would be pointless. We recommend setting a budget that keeps you from spending more money than you can afford, but also factors in the average prices of the models you’re interested in.

A couple key points to remember: there are always ways to save money, like buying pre-owned models and asking about financing options. You’ll also want to remember to factor in other spending points outside the initial price, like safety gear, maintenance, and fuel.

Number of Passengers

When you’ve got some of the basic considerations out of the way, you’ll want to get a little pickier to narrow down your options even more. Mahindra offers models that can seat anywhere from two to six passengers. Think about how many people will join you on every outing and make sure there’s a seat for each passenger.

The Riding Terrain

All UTVs are built to handle a wide range of terrain, but if there’s a special kind of terrain you know you’ll be spending most of your time on, there might be some upgrades that can create a better riding experience. This can include sand and mud, which standard models might slip on.

Your Cargo Needs

Of course, we can’t talk about a workhorse without talking about cargo. We’ve already mentioned some of the superior hauling and towing capacities you can expect from a typical UTV, but some models will provide even more cargo space than the standard models. This can mean longer beds, additional cargo racks, and more.

We’re just skimming the surface here. There’s so much more you can consider to help you narrow down your options, but it might help to start by looking at them for yourself. To see them up close and in person, stop by Central Arkansas Mahindra in Little Rock, Arkansas, and we’ll give you the complete tour of our outdoor equipment selection. We proudly serve Conway and Hot Springs.